Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My love/hate relationship with technology...

I'm currently having my students create blogs and contribute to a class wiki as part of our reading The Secret Life of Bees. I think the general idea of the whole thing is going to turn out really, really well, but it is frustrating as heck trying to get there. The set-up process and learning curve are so enormous that it makes me want to yank out my hair. I just have to get over this first hill to the point where they get what they're doing and all will be better.

Something that I've discovered that's interesting about my students is how unwilling they are to problem-solve on their own. It seems as though, if they don't get it the first time, they get completely deflated, give up, and call me over to help them. Where's the eagerness to get in and muck around with stuff until you figure it out? Where's the willingness to make mistakes so you can learn from them? I hope this will teach them that it's okay to do that, especially when you're learning how to do something new.

Other than class today, life is okay. It's getting harder to listen to people talk about school here next year when I know I won't be here. I don't feel at all invested in decisions that are being made because they won't affect me, and staying focused on my work is getting more and more difficult. People are frustrating me too. I don't want people's pity, so I'm trying to stay positive, but just because outwardly I'm smiling doesn't mean that inwardly I'm okay with having people talk carte blanche about next year like it doesn't affect me or bother me. I'm beginning to get a little worried... okay more than a little worried about finding a job for next year and there are some very big questions I need to answer to help me make the right decision, like do I still want to teach? Do I want to do something else? Am I willing to move? If so, where? Out-state Minnesota? Out-of-state? Overseas? Ah!!!!!!!!

I guess that's about it for right now. With any luck, the next post will be less stressed and moe positive. :)


Unknown said...

Ms. Farrell through my love hate relationship with technology, I have created 2 wikis and a blog. i would have never done this if it wasn't for this assignment. Thanks!

My other wiki besides the Civil Rights one is a project for health about depression and suicide.


Unknown said...

hang in there =] <3